New Amazon Rapid Retail Analytics: Vendor sales, traffic, and inventory!

Openbridge is the Amazon verified alternative to Daasity

Verified Amazon Partners represent excellence, value, and trust.

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30-day free trial | No credit card, no risk

Free Trial

30-day no-risk trial

Bot Free

No bots or data scrapers

Quick Connect

Hundreds of connectors


Data is owned by you

Why Amazon verified partners? User friendly, code-free data automation.

Make data work for you with code-free, fully-managed data automation from a trusted, secure Amazon verified partner.

Analytics Dashboard

Choosing your Amazon data service

Comparing Openbridge and Daasity? You're probably seeking the best way to harness data for ecommerce growth on Amazon.

While Daasity offers pre-built Amazon reports and dashboards, Openbridge prioritizes flexibility and data ownership. We recognize that tools and teams evolve, and we empower our customers to use their preferred data tools and analytics approaches.

With our standards-based, self-service data architecture, you get quick access to analytics-ready data in your trusted platforms like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, and more.

Our Amazon Ads, Amazon Seller Central, and Vendor Central services are verified and approved by Amazon, ensuring data compliance and ease of use. Avoid the hassle of creating Amazon developer accounts or using unapproved methods; with Openbridge, it's about seamless, unified data access.

Analytics Dashboard

Break free from vendor lock-in

Openbridge is a hassle-free cloud data pipeline that consolidates data into leading platforms like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake. With Openbridge, you retain full ownership and control over your data.

While Daasity offers convenient pre-packaged reports, Openbridge prioritizes data automation and flexibility. Instead of fixed dashboards, we enable teams to utilize their favorite ecommerce and data analytics tools, ensuring tailored insights and avoiding vendor restrictions.

Truly owning your data opens up endless possibilities. With Openbridge, you can harness industry-leading analytics software like Tableau, Power BI, Looker, and many others. Whether you're a business user, analyst, or brand strategist, we equip you to choose the best analytics tool for your needs.

Analytics Dashboard

Designed to work together, on and off Amazon

Daasity only supports separate reports for Vendor Central and Seller Central. Openbridge unifies data sources on and off Amazon so Sellers and Vendors can get a complete picture of their business.

With Amazon at its core, our "halo" data model includes non-Amazon channels that play a crucial role in understanding customer behavior in the shopping journey. Unifying Amazon and non-Amazon data helps you understand how customers discover, consider, and purchase your products.

Finally, optimize and plan investments in areas you know resonate with customers for true data-driven business decisions.

Certified Developer Programs & APIs

"Access to data means the team can work smarter. End-to-end marketing and advertising campaign data in unified data lake ensures we can optimize sales based on learnings from our measurement efforts"

Unify, organize, and visualize your e-commerce data

Create a unified, 360 view of all your digital self and ads performance data

You can quickly streamline your manual workflows to collect, catalog, and unify data to industry leading cloud data warehouse and data lake.

Openbridge Self-Service Data Pipeline Automation Platform

Amazon Seller Central

No more manual file downloads. Get code-free, fully-automated Amazon Selling Partner API data pipelines for orders, inventory, traffic, fulfillment, finance, and many more.

Openbridge Self-Service Data Pipeline Automation Platform

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendors can take a lot of time and effort to manually process their data. Openbridge automation will automatically collect, process, route, and load to your Vendor Central data to a private data destination.

Openbridge Self-Service Data Pipeline Automation Platform

Amazon Advertising

Harness the power of our Amazon Ads API automation, ensuring your teams have the data they need to optimize media investments.

Openbridge Self-Service Data Pipeline Automation Platform


Unlock performance and growth by tapping into the dynamic potential of Shopify's API data. Elevate your business strategies with data-driven insights, empowering you to make informed decisions that propel success.

Openbridge Self-Service Data Pipeline Automation Platform


Harness the power of our Meta API automation, ensuring your teams have the data they need to optimize media investments.

Openbridge Self-Service Data Pipeline Automation Platform


Elevate your marketing strategies with Google Marketing Cloud. Harness the power of data-driven insights to enhance campaign effectiveness and drive steady, sustainable growth for your business.

Goodbaby logo

Goodbaby Unifies E-commerce Data

Combining the simplicity of Tableau, a data lake, and the power of AWS, Goodbaby unifies sales and marketing data analytics.

Serverless Analytics with Tableau and Amazon Athena

The perks of a verified Amazon data platform

However you’re getting it done today or want to get it done tomorrow, Openbridge data automation can help you get there faster.

Free Trial 1
Open source
On-Demand Pricing2
5 Minute Activation 3
Amazon DPP Compliance 4
Amazon Ads Verified
Single Source Sign-On
Data Warehouse 5
Data Lakehouse *
Data Lakes
Amazon PII Approved
AWS Partner6
Microsoft Azure Partner6
Google Cloud Partner6
Customer Support
Snowflake Partner
Databricks Partner
Bot Free Promise
Support Analytics Tools7
Dashboard Creation

1 While Daasity references a free trial, they require a pre-qualification sales call first.

2 Daasity pricing depends on company revenue.

3 Activation can take 2-4 weeks.

4 Unable to determine compliance with Amazon DPP and AUP.

5 Support limited to Snowflake and Redshift.

6 Unable to determine partner status according to dassity website.

7 The dassity Looker reporting environment does not support porting, exporting, or sharing the underlying data model and calculation in reports and dashboards, limiting the opportunity to leverage other reporting tools. Embedded dassity looker reports and dashboards are considered proprietary.

30-day Free Trial

Always know what you’ll pay

Just getting started or looking to super-charge data automation, we’ve got you covered with pay-as-you-go pricing.

Pricing Calculator
Standard Plan
$ 0 /mo
  • Ready-to-go connectors

  • Private data destinations

  • No coding, fully-automated

  • Amazon Seller Central or Vendor Central

  • Credit card billing

  • Pay-as-you-go pricing

Premium Plan
$ 149 .99 /mo
  • Premium Connectors

  • Everything in Standard

  • Credit card billing

  • Pay-as-you-go pricing


Easy to start. Easy to automate.

It's the perfect time to ditch manual downloads and transform how your organization works with data.

Start Now

30-day free trial • Quick setup • No credit card, no charge, no risk

Data usage
Data destinations
Data sources
Data tasks
Activate data

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent questions for platform, pricing, and definitions

Do you create custom amazon sales dashboards, interactive dashboards, or pre-built automated marketing reports?

No, we take a different approach. Reports, business intelligence, and interactive visualizations are best done teams responsible for bringing data to life visually.

Our expertise is data engineering, so we focus on data pipelines, so teams get the first party data they need quickly. This is why we focus on our analytics-ready Amazon performance metrics data pipelines to private, trusted integration destinations like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, or Athena.

Unlocking data allows full-service marketing agencies or a solo analyst to use a popular marketing analytics tool like Looker Studio, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Looker, Amazon QuickSight, SAP, Alteryx, dbt, Azure Data Factory, Qlik Sense, and many others.

How does pricing work?

We offer several different pricing plans based on the type of data connectors and destinations you want to activate. In addition to a base plan cost, you are only charged for active data pipeline(s), per day. The combination of the base plan cost and the count of active daily pipelines determines the amount you are charged each month. For more details on this topic, see the doc How Pricing and Billing Work . There are no per-user monthly cost, or costs associated with the number of rows, or compute time.

How long does it take to get up and running?

In many cases, it will be minutes. For 3rd party integrations, it will typically take 24-48 hours to set up and run. However, that timing can vary depending on a few variables. For example, there may be individual permissions, contracts, or setup required by a vendor that is outside our control which can impact timing.

When will I be charged?

We offer a 30-day, no credit card required, free trial. You will not be asked for a credit card before you start your trial, nor will you be charged during the trial. There will not be any charges unless you decide to order the service at the end of your trial. During this time, you will have access to either standard or premium data integrations or destinations according to your selected plan.

Do you support sending Amazon retail analytics data to a database, warehouse, or data lake?

Yes, we support the delivery of various Amazon Seller Central data, advertising, and marketing platforms into destinations like a BigQuery marketing data warehouse or a data lake that stores a unified digital marketing journey. By supporting destinations like Databricks, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Redshift Spectrum, Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure Data Lake, and Amazon Athena, we eliminate reporting hassles of manually wrangling messy files and data silos. Teams can then create their own Amazon sales dashboard, reports, visualizations, and data modeling with their favorite tools.

How to get sales data from Amazon? Manually or using automation.

It is not uncommon for Sellers just starting out to wonder how to check sales on Amazon Seller Central. Manual CSV downloads are accessible, simply log into you're Seller Central account and download. Amazon Seller Central data export automation ensures your team can skip the manual data wrangling and take control of your Amazon Seller Central data and store it in a private data lake, or cloud warehouses such as Snowflake, BigQuery, Amazon Athena, Redshift, Azure Data Lake. Your team can create customer profitability analysis, fulfillment analytics reports, refine your Amazon SEO strategy, and many more with best-in-class analytics and business tools like Tableau Looker, Power BI, and Looker Studio.

Are the embedded dassity looker reports and dashboards portable to other tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Looker Studio?

No, not that we are aware. While dassity does share various data models and schemas, they view the underlying reporting rendering logic, calculations, and algorithms as proprietary, protected intellectual property owned by them.

What is a data pipeline?

Each Openbridge plan is priced according to the type and quantity of data pipelines. What is a data pipeline? A data pipeline reflects a connector from a specific data source to a target data destination.

For example, you have two Facebook pages you want to collect insights data from and deliver to BigQuery. Each page would reflect a unique resource. These two resources would equal two data pipelines, one for each Facebook page ID delivered to BigQuery.

Another example is Amazon Advertising. If you have ten Amazon Advertising profiles that you want to deliver to AWS Redshift, this would equal ten data pipelines, one for each Amazon Advertising profile ID.

How many pipelines can I activate?

You can add as many as you need. If you manage a large number of accounts and want to consolidate the data from each, reach out to us for some tips and best practices on how best to set up that type of configuration.

What is the difference between Standard, Premium, or Enterprise services?

We offer several connectors and destinations as "Standard" services. All plans include these types of services. Another tier of connector and destination are offered as "Premium" services.

Premium services are more complex, advanced, and require additional development resources. A premium connector or destination will be marked as such with the required .

Enterprise, or third-party integrations, which are only available to users with Enterprise plans. Pricing for Enterprise varies according to each vendor's procedures and policies.

Do you charge for data lake or warehouse infrastructure?

No, there are no charges from Openbridge for your data lake or cloud warehouse. Any charges are directly billed by the data lake or warehouse provider (i.e., Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or Snowflake). They will directly bill you.

Does your analytics-ready data automation Amazon product metrics

Yes, see our doc on Analytics-Ready: Freedom to Connect Your Data Tools for more information on how we support a wide range of use cases. Our goal is to solve your toughest data challenges, so your business intelligence analyst, data scientists, or data analytics team can deliver insights that fuel informed decisions. Openbridge handles the automation, data management, and data warehousing for you, empowering your favorite data analysis and advanced analytics tools.

What happens when the trial period ends?

At the end of the 30-day trial, you must switch to a paid plan to continue service. If you do not proceed with a paid plan, any integrations you set up will be paused. The data we collect and delivered will remain in your data lake or warehouse.

Do you support Amazon FBA data? Amazon sales data by product? Amazon SEO keywords?

Yes, we offer extensive support for Amazon Seller Central Reports API, Amazon Retail Analytics, Brand Analytics, and many others. The data includes a wide range of Amazon key metrics for orders, inventory, finance, payments, returns, fulfillment, ads, search, and other performance data. Openbridge provides the broadest coverage of data for Amazon business metrics which exceeds anything offered by dassity or any daasity competitors. Ultimately, our Amazon Seller insights data automation provide flexibility, ownership, and freedom from vendor lock-in.

Do you support Shopify sales analtyics?

Yes, we provide a comprehensive Shopify integration to support any sales analytics you want to undertake. While we are not a Shopify analytics tool, we deliver order, inventory, fulfillment, promotions, and other data to a private, trusted data warehouse or data lake. daasity shopify includes pre-built reports and dashboards, which include prepackaged DTC analytics reports.